The COMPASS-Method


Sending Organisation
(school, company, agency )

Mobility Participants
(apprentices, workers, specialists -in-training)

Hosting Organisation
(companies, schools, agencies )


Register in
COMPASS Database

  • Register in the COMPASS Database
  • Describe your organisation
  • Describe your mobility project
  • Name the hosting organisations
  • Register in the COMPASS database
  • Register in the COMPASS database
  • Describe your organisation
  • Describe the assignment options of interns in your organisation


Preparing competence profiles

  • Create a personal E-portfolio for your mobility participants
  • Ask participant/s to describe the objectives connected with the work placement abroad and to prepare a competence profile
  • Describe your objectives connected with the work placement abroad
  • Prepare your competence profile


Conclusion of a COMPASS Learning Agreement

  • Define and determine the expectations, curricula and learning objectives of the work placement abroad


Description of Learning Achievements

  • Use the „E-portfolio„ to describe the experience made abroad and assess your competence gain


Documentation of Learning Achievements

  • In the COMPASS Certificate you and your foreign partner certify the mobility participants’ learning achievements and competence progress.
ARBEIT UND LEBEN SYDDANSK ERHVERVSSKOLE Omnia Vocational College European Institute of Social Services Kaunas College 3s research laboratory Zwi?zek Zak?adów Doskonalenia Zawodowego Gerencia Andaluza de Promoción Comunitaria