Gerencia Andaluza de Promoción Comunitaria (GAPC)
La Gerencia Andaluza de Promoción Comunitaria was founded in 1991. It specialises in the development, organisation and coordination of transnational mobility projects. Predominantly, young people who wish to complement their initial training abroad make up the target group, but also organisations, teachers and career planners from the field of professional training. The “Mobility 21“-project, specifically aimed at raising the readiness for mobility among people in professional training, has existed since 2000. Based on a network of public and private institutions, the GAPC carries out specialised programs for encouraging the reintegration of unemployed to the European labour market.
In the project, GAPC participates in the development and testing of the definition and documentation framework, the testing of project results in their own mobility projects, circulation of results by means of executing multiplier trainings on a regional and national level, as well as forwarding project information to Spanish specialist circles.