The SYDDANSK ERHVERVSSKOLE is the major provider for vocational training in Southern Denmark. They have been specialising in international cooperation for more than 10 years, arranging mobility programs in Denmark for internal and foreign students on a large scale. These programs include measures adapted to initial vocational training as well as in-service research studies. Educational offers focus on seminars for the occupational areas of graphic and multi-media design, carpentry and joiner trade, information technolgy, shipbuilding, vehicle manufacturing and engineering, architecture and design, electronics and information technology, production engineering and business administration.

The Odense Tekniske Skole is responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of the internet-based e-portfolio. It also participates in testing own mobility programs, as well as circulating results during training programs carried out by other institutions supporting mobility programs, and informing relevant specialist institutions in Denmark.

ARBEIT UND LEBEN SYDDANSK ERHVERVSSKOLE Omnia Vocational College European Institute of Social Services Kaunas College 3s research laboratory Zwi?zek Zak?adów Doskonalenia Zawodowego Gerencia Andaluza de Promoción Comunitaria